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Continuing Education Trainings

Fall 2024


Location is TBD

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training is a deeper dive into yourself. Through the discovery of yourself is where you will find the light that you are to shine onto others. Our goal in this training is to clear the clutter that is currently blocking that light and help you find the authentic light that yo

Continuing Education Trainings
Continuing Education Trainings

Time & Location

Fall 2024

Location is TBD

About the event

Join us as we guide you to confidence to live out your yoga teaching dreams. House of Yoga’s 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training will take you on a journey of viewing yoga as a lifestyle, a science and a form of artistic expression. In addition to the traditional yogic methodology combined with the modern yoga practice we will explore the rich colorful histories, traditions, and philosophies of the past. 

We will deepen your understanding of energetic wisdom, the chakra system, spirituality, prana & meditation along with diving into results driven sequencing for yoga classes.

We’re committed to helping you grow and expand on a personal & professional level, you will leave our training feeling enlightened, expanded, empowered and ready to and ready to lead even more powerful yoga classes with confidence!

In order to qualify for the program, students must have already completed a 200-hour Yoga Alliance  Registered teacher training program (not necessarily House of Yoga). As per Yoga Alliance 500-Hour  Application Standards, students must submit documentation of 100 Hours of teaching experience upon  submitting application.

Students are expected to arrive on time and prepared for class. Trainings consist of a combination of physical  practice, lecture, interpersonal reflection, and practice teaching. Participation is required for all trainings,  though students should practice within their physical, emotional, and mental limitations.

Upon completing requirements for this course, students will be eligible to register with Yoga Alliance as a 500- Hour Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT500).

Join us on this journey to self, where we help you unpeel the layers and step into your truest form.

Required Materials

Most studios are already equipped with mats and props listed below. However, check with the hosting studio  if you do not plan to bring your own.

● Yoga Mat & Towel

● Water Bottle

● 8’ Strap

● Two 4” Yoga Blocks

● Binder (Must be 3-4”)

● Large poster board or cork board

● Gratitude journal

Required Textbooks

Art of Possibility by Benjamin Zander and Rosamund Stone Zander

Functional Anatomy of YOGA by David Keil

How Yoga Works by Geshe Michael Roach

Energy Anatomy by Caroline Myss

Creating on Purpose by Anodea Judith

Ask and it is Given. – Ester Hicks

Summary of Modules, Homework / Self Study

Module 1 - Intro into Chakra, Muladhara  Chakra, Sutra 1.14m True North, Power  Yoga, Principals of Power Yoga, Secrets to a  powerful, Power Yoga Class, Power Yoga  Shell, Art of Assisting, Anatomy basics

Module 2 – Chakra 2, Swadhishthana  Chakra, Sutra 2.7 sukhānuśayī rāgaḥ, Power  of Possibilities, Power Basics and

Breakdown, Power Yoga Physical, how and  why, Powerful Cueing, Journey to the PEAK,  Anatomy: Joints

Module 3 – Chakra 3, Manipura – The  Maintenance Center, Sutra 2.54: sva visayâsamprayoge cittasya svarûpânukâra  ivendriyânam pratyâhârah, Finding you bliss,  Purpose Statement Values & Goals, Anatomy:  Understanding the core & theoretic spine

Module 4 – Chakra 4, The Anahata chakra,  Sutra 1.33 maitri karuna muditopeksanam sukha duhka punyapunya visayanam bhavantas citta prasadanam. Power Yoga – awareness to  the body, How to use music in power yoga,  Power of the breath, Arm balance and more,  Anatomy: Ribs, movement & protecting vital  organs

Module 5 – Chakra 5, Vishuddhi, Sutra  2.35: ahimsa pratisthayam tat vaira-tyaga, The  art to teaching different styles, Stress effects  on the body, Power of touch, Anatomy: Neck,  cervical spine and understanding range of


Module 6 – Chakra 6, Ajna Chakra, Sutra 1.14,  Teaching to beginners, Partner Yoga, Service  Project, Anatomy: Full spine to skull

Module 7 – Chakra 7, Sahasrara, also known as brahmarandra, Yoga Sutra 1.48 ritambhara  tatra prajna, Teaching with purpose – Service  Project, Anatomy: Energetic body, myofascial  unwinding.

Electives (60 Hours)

❏ Thai Yoga Massage

❏ Art of Assisting

❏ Service Project

❏ Assist 20 Hours (Peer-to-Peer OR YTT)

❏ Kids Yoga

❏ Partner Yoga

❏ Yin Yoga

The Daily Schedule

  • 8:30 am morning  Meditation, Pranayama
  • 9am Asana class
  • 10am  Yoga Clinic / Anatomy
  • 12:00pm Lunch
  • 1pm Class Composition/ Practice teaching
  • 3pm Philosophy Session
  • 5:15pm Journaling and Active Listening
  • 6:00pm Close for the Day


In-Person: $1299 (pay before May 31st)

Paid in full after May 31st $1499

Virtual: $599 (when paid before May 31st)

$699 after May 31st.

* Payment plans available by request.


  • 9 hours 30 minutes

    300 Hr Advanced Yoga Teacher Training - Weekend 2

  • 9 hours 30 minutes

    300 Hr Advanced Yoga TT: Weekend 2, day 2

8 more items available


  • 300 Hour YTT

    From $599.00 to $1,299.00
    • $1,299.00
      +$32.48 service fee
    • $599.00
      +$14.98 service fee



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